My One Regret I don't have many regrets in #life, Hardly any choices to grieve. The only one I went wrong with, Was when I was too young and naive. It breaks my heart to admit it, I didn't want you when you were conceived. But that choice I made in those passing days, Is the one I still grieve. You were there, right inside me, But only for a short while. Only in my dreams, Can I embrace your smile. In my thoughts I see you, But my bleeding heart is torn, For my darling little angel, Who will never be born. My arms ache to hold you, My heart is cracked to the top. When they took your little #life, I actually felt your heartbeat stop. If I could live my #life again, There would be one less regret. The day I took my baby's #life, The day I won't forget. ~~~~~~~~~~ PS: This did not happen to me
Sienna Williamson
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