Translate   11 years ago

This Is It This is it! Sam has had enough. Jerry the cat has messed with Tom the dog too much. They've been bickering and fighting all week! He was on the edge of taking them both back to Russia. "Stop!" Sam said angrily. "I've had enough. I'm done. Both of you in your kennels!" Sam was so mad that Tom began to pout, and Jerry began whimper. They both looked right into Sam's eyes and made Sam have a guilty feeling. One day Sam noticed that Jerry was eating Tom's food, and then later, he found Tom eating Jerry's food. Sam felt so guilty about not noticing the main reason why they were bickering. Sam settled this argument by switching the food bowls and water bowls in the places that Jerry would go, and where Tom would go. Soon, Jerry and Tom stopped bickering and fighting.

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