Fallen The pain was excruciating. I could barely see, what have I done to deserve this pain? It felt like my body was being torn apart. There was no designated point of where the pain was coming from. At times it felt like there were many different points, and at times I was pain itself. Then all at once there was nothing. There was no pain, no nothing, but I could tell I was falling. Falling from a great height. It was dark and cold. I felt no warmth, no hope. I felt a slight strain in my back. That was where pain I felt earlier was originating from. Now I miss the pain, the falling was never ending, I didn't know where I was or how long I was falling. Soon my vision started to blur and my eyes were closing. Before I lost conscience I heard a voice. "You have fallen, you will not be forgiven for what you have done." Then there was nothing. I woke up to a bright light shining on my face. My back was hurting and I could barley see. I heard birds, seagulls to be exact. I slowly sit up, every move sending a wave of pain through me. I could tell that my back was bleeding. The sand was sticking to my back and I could feel two slashes in my back from where my wings were. I looked down and saw that my skin was pale, most likely from the loss of blood. I was in a simple cover up, just something to cover my body. I stood slowly, my long blond hair flowing down my back, getting in the silvery crimson blood of an angel. The reality of everything hit me. I had fallen, I don't even remember why. "Hey lady you ok?" I heard a male voice call out from behind me. The voice had a slight Texan accent to it. I turns around and saw a guy with sandy blond hair and one blue eye and and one brown. A rarity among humans. My icy blue eyes took in every detail, every defined muscle, every hair on his head. He was strikingly beautiful. He would make any human stop and drool, he could even pass for an angel if it wasn't for the slight crook in his nose, probably from being broken at one point. "Lady, are you ok?" He asked more concerned once he saw the blood. "Ya, I'm fine. Just an accident." I say my sing song voice slightly wavering. My legs gave out and the guy caught me. "Whao, I got you." He sad as he picked me up. The loss of blood made me weak and I pass out. I faded in and out of conscience and all I remember is being carried and the guy saying don't worry I have you. I woke in a unfamiliar room. The bed was against the only window which led to a balcony. There was a full dresser on the far wall and a closet on the wall left of the bed. There were two doors on the right wall, one most likely a bathroom the other the way out. I slowly got up, my back sill hurt slightly but the pain was a dull throb. I looked down and realized I was in shorts and a bandaged wrapped around my upper body. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I hear a male voice say, it was the same one from the beach. "Where am I?" I ask softy, more of testing my voice. It was soft and a relaxing tone. "At my house, you started to freak when I mentioned a hospital." He said with a grin. "Who are you?" I ask. "Xavier." He said as he held out his hand. I softly took it and shook his hand. "Ava." I say "short for Avabel" He nodded thinking about my name. "Well Ava, you need food." He said as he handed me a plate of food. I took it softly and started to eat. It was wonderful. I looked up to see the Xander has left. I went to the bathroom and slowly took off the bandages. It was tender around where my wings were. All the remains for now was jagged bones sticking out with a few white feathers. I rolled my shoulders and saw that after I had eaten my wings started to heal faster. "At least the bleeding has stopped." I mutter to myself. The the realization hit me, Xander had to wrap my wounds, he saw the remainders of my wings. He knew I was an angel or one of the fallen now. To be continued...
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