Nine ~*Chapter 1*~ "Help!!" Someone screamed from the art room. I ran into the room and shock filled me as I seen my best friend,Sydney, on the floor. I noticed his wheel chair was out of reach for him. I pulled him up of the ground and helped him get into his chair."thanks.." He whimpered. His face was filled with redness. "Sid,don't be embarrassed...what happened?" I asked. He looked up at me. His light blue eyes held my sea green eyes. "They were pulling a prank on me...and they flipped my chair over...they put it over here" he pointed to the ground where we were standing ." So I couldn't get it." I felt concern fill my eyes. Mario,Jess,and Mai always teased him and picked on him continually. "I am sorry,Sid...lets go home." We left the school in silence... •••••• "I can't believe that happened to you!?!" He laughed as I wheeled him down the street. I love to hear laughter from him. "Yeah,I know. I just saw the turtle fly at me and WHAM! It hit me in the face. You should have seen the person after I got done with him!" We both laughed. I always love to hang out with him. It usually sets my beast at bay. We saw three figures on the sidewalk. It was our lovely enemies. That was great and now we have to mess with them! I felt a growl come out of me as we approached them. "Oh looked! You found your chair! Were you a man and got it yourself or were you a pussy and needed help?" Mario spoke. He was the leader of his little group. His brown eyes looked from me to Sid. He waited for a response,so I gave him one. "Yeah, I helped him get to his chair. He needed help,but he is still a bigger man than you!" I saw him burn with range. I couldn't, but smile. "Well,nice one,but I didn't ask you and your smart attitude!" He crossed his arms as if he was superior over me. I don't think so! " least I don't make fun of a man in a wheel chair and have a little brother that is the same position as he is in !!" I blurted out,and for a moment I didn't think he knew what I was talking about,but his eyes got wide with surprise. "What? did you know ?" He ask with a hint of shock . "I know everything. Everything you think is a secret it isn't. I know them all. I just want you to know.." He threw a punch at me. I gracefully dodged the swings."that karma is a.." I threw my leg and did a famous roadhouse kick to his head. His body hit the concrete as soon as my foot left hit his face. "..pain,isn't it?" We walked down the road as if nothing happened,and I felt eyes on me. •••• I helped him in his bed,so he could rest. He was unusually quiet and it made me worry that he may ask me some questions that I couldn't answer. He stared ahead. He just sat as if I wasn't sitting next to him on the bed. The next two hours didn't change,but I wish they would. It was killing me. I didn't want to talk to him about anything personal things,but the average stuff. I felt myself sigh. It felt as if I was a caged animal and then suddenly I snapped . "Talk to me?!? You have been quiet this whole time and its killing me!" Oh yeah,I snapped. He turned to me and smiled at me."that was interesting.." "What?" I asked. "I thought you would have broke about hour and a half ago." "Really.." I felt my blood boil. This was a test!?! "Yes, and can I ask you about some stuff about what happened?" He asks me from the bottom of his heart, so I couldn't say no. I just nodded, he continues " How did you kick him so hard? How did you know about his little brother? Do you really now all his secrets? And did I see you eyes change colors?"

  • Respect!
  • Liefde
  • HaHa
  • Wauw
  • verdrietig
  • Boos