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Believe In Bigger I know a few people who don't like romantic films or novels because they think that it gives the viewer or the reader false hope. I know that many people share this same view. But personally I love watching the relationship unravel on the screen. I love seeing their back story, where they came from and how they got there. I love seeing how they meet or how they separate. I love seeing why they love or hate each other. I love seeing the immediate connection, or one that has to be worked on. I love the entire reason for them. I think they do the job they were made to do. They make me believe in something bigger, something that cannot be explained or proved scientifically, it just is. I don't care that these people on the screen are actors. For that hour and a 1/2, I invest in Jack and Rose or Allie and Noah or even 1/2 an hour of the classic Ross and Rachel. Maybe that makes me easy to please. But the point of our being is to find someone we truly love and cherish. So what if it's made to look like the perfect relationship that everyone wants. We all know there not, if all was perfect, #life would be boring. So sit down with a good romcom, and for that hour and a 1/2, believe in something bigger. Love.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère