Translate   11 years ago

Mistakes People aren 't perfect, We all made mistakes in our #life, But if you are me, You have been the most imperfect human being there is, Yes the choices I made are horrible, Not in drug use wise though, Or alcohol, Mines more of what I have done to others, I broke a guys heart without even caring, He wont even talk to me, And his friends don't even care to look my way, I killed others by having the feeling of betrayal of my friends, Now it's just me all alone, You see people make mistakes, But those can be erased, Mine are a eternal scar, I just don't show it, Because I hide it with a mask to shield away from others, Love probably wont find it, I'm just to filled up with darkness they all say, Yet it's mot true they just see the mask I wear over my real self

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