Ask Me Chapter 6 - Water Fight! Astrid's POV- We had, had crepes for breakfast and now I was leading him hand in hand to the swimming pool. As we arrived I pushed him in, sparing myself from any attacks I had coming by stranding myself on a beach bed, wearing only a bikini. "Hey, Blondie! No fair! C'mon!" he climbed out of the pool and pried me off the bed - so that plan had failed... He carried me over his shoulder and was about to throw me in when I found myself begging for him to stop, automatically fearing the smell of the water. "To late, your turn!" he said a sexy, joking voice. He threw me and then canon balled a little to my left to spare me from him hitting me. I clung to his shoulders instantly and gasped for air, almost laughing as I explained three words: "I cant swim!" He looked at me like I was crazy then realised I was being truthful. "Holy shit! Sorry." he wrapped my legs around his waist and swam to the shallow end. I giggled as I slid of his back, sounding like a real teenager, 15. I saw a flicker in his eyes of emotion. It read as this is wrong but this is right, basically making no sense. I ignored it and splashed him in the face. I ran in the water, laughing at my slow pace. He threw water at me, it hit the back of my head, when I looked back he was standing, leaning on the edge of the pool acting like he hadn't done a thing. I decided, against common logic, I was going under water... Even if couldn't swim, there was no reason for me to not go under water and walk to him, holding my breath. I took in a small gasp and did it, coming about a meter from him and throwing my arms and body up, covered him with water. He wiped his eyes and looked at me, unimpressed. "Oh, it ooonnnnnnn!" he chuckled.
Lynden Rose
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Lynden Rose
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Lynden Rose
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