Enemies Her: Oh, very well, if your so keen on separating, fine. But remember, you suggest it, I never said I wanted to separate from you, if I had I wouldn't be here now. You on account of your love for me, have tyrannised over me, bothered me, badgered me, nagged me, for fifteen years. You've taken my time and strength and prevented me from accomplishing great works for the good of humanity. You've crushed my soul which longs for serenity and peace with your perpetual complaining. You see my dear, I am more philosophical than you. I see all this as necessary. Men and women are natural enemies, like cat and dog only more so. They are forced to live together for a time or this wonderful race couldn't go on. In addition, in order to produce the best children, men and women of completely opposite temperaments must live together. The shock and flame of these two hostile temperaments is what produces fine children. Well, we have fulfilled our destiny and made our children, and they are good ones. But really, to expect mean and women to also live in peace together, we as different as fire and water, or sea and land. It's just too much!
Richard Withey
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Richard Withey
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