Traduire   11 années depuis

Imagine a #life.... So I'm the kind of girl who can stay in her room all day yet dreams of being outside and social. I lead a shy, uneventful #life but dream of being a girl without limits, one who has an adventurous #life and never stops living... Problem is, I'm not sure in what world I'm happier. My simple reality I delude myself to be more interesting than it actually is or my imaginary #life where I crave simplicity... Quite a paradox I created for myself... Dreaming of a #life I think I want cause it is more interesting but in that #life I want out because I'm scared and don't think I can handle it all. Isn't it strange when the #life we think we'll find happiness is no happier than the #life we already lead? Is it our greed or boredom that makes us crave more? Whatever it is, it's a bother. Cause if in simplicity and complexity you can't find happiness, and you still can't figure out a balance; you're leading and craving the wrong #lifestyle or maybe you're just not brave enough to accept the #life for what is it.... Whatever it is. Maybe we should all take our lives and make them best of all world: including the reality, the imaginary and the damn right impossible... Happiness is so subjective, so ineffable that you can't imagine it, or what it will be like, you just feel... Maybe, in the delusion of chasing happiness, we forgot to be happy and just kept running, not sure whether after or from something?...

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
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