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The Chronicles Of Lescoban:Book 1 Prologue Lescoban--1435 Aleera, the 10th queen of the city of Lescoban, paced around her room. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of her young daughter, Lucinda. The 143 year old queen was getting up in age and had decided now was the right time to bring up the matter of inheritance to her daughter. Her long, dark hair was undone and flowing in the wind. Where was Lucinda? Right then, the young princess knocked and entered into her mother's bedchamber. "Yes, Mother? You wanted to speak with me?" The 8 year old child asked, her dark brown eyes shining with curiosity. Her light brown hair that she inherited from her father, the late king of Lescoban, was braided and rested lightly down her back. Besides her hair and her eyes, she was the spitting image of her mother. Graceful and absolutely stunning. The queen looked fondly down at her daughter then nodded. "Yes, my dove. We have something very important to discuss. Come sit with me." Taking her daughter's hand, the queen sat on her bed. Lucinda quickly scrambled up, tearing her nightgown in the process. "Lucinda!" the queen exclaimed. "Look what you've done! That's the 4th gown you've torn! You must stop acting so unruly and start learning to become more......" She stopped as she saw her daughter's unhappy face. "I'm sorry, Mother," the young princess whimpered, tears coming to her eyes. Sighing, the queen took her daughter's face in her hands, wiping away the tears. "Don't fret, my dove. It was an accident." Slowly, the young princess started to smile again. "Now," spoke her mother. "There's something I need to speak to you about." The young girl looked up at her mother curiously, saying nothing. The queen sighed. "You may not understand this right now, but in time you will. You see, I'm not always going to be around, my dove. And when I am gone, you will take my place. As queen." The young princess' eyes widened at her mother's words. Before she could say anything, however, her mother started talking again. "As queen it will be your duty to follow in my footsteps and continue ruling our people. You must make sure they obey the laws which I have written. If they do not, you must make sure they are punished. Do you understand what I am telling you?" The young princess nodded slowly. "Yes, mother. I understand. I will follow in your footsteps and become a great queen just like you," she announced boldly. The queen smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm. "This is your birthright, my dove. You were meant to become queen. It's your destiny." The princess grinned. Her birthright. Her destiny. Yes. She was meant to become queen. She will not fail. This was her destiny. .................. Many years later, the queen passed on. The young princess became queen not long after. Her rule was strong. Her mother had trained her well, but there still were times when she was unruly. She broke one of her mother's rules one time. She had met a lovely young man in the woods one day. They fell in love. Not long after, the young queen became pregnant with their child. She was so excited that she told her best friend. Her friend seemed horrified that it had happened. That night, the queen was awoken by a strange noise in the courtyard. She looked out her window, growing pale at the sight. Down below, an execution was taking place. It wasn't the execution that horrified her. It was who was being executed. It was her love! She ran through the castle and into the courtyard, yelling for them to stop. They didn't. Her royal adviser held on to her as she struggled, trying to get to her love. To stop the execution. But it was too late. The moment she broke free was the moment the axe came down. After that night, the young queen stopped being unruly. She completely walked in her mother's footsteps. She carried the child full-term, putting the father into the back of her mind. As deep as she could. The pain was too much for her. Then the child was born on a cold, winter night. A beautiful baby girl! The child was named Olivia. Olivia Dawn Thorose. The child was raised in her mother's footsteps. As did her daughter and her daughter's daughter, and so on. Each daughter born to become queen. Each one automatically born into royalty. That is, until one daughter. One daughter with a twin sister. This daughter was the one who would change Lescoban. As was prophesied in a prophesy told a long, long, long, very long time ago. Before Lescoban was even formed. This girl would change everything....... Hey guys! So this is the prologue to the first book of my series The Chronicles of Lescoban. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it!

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