Translate   11 years ago

No Love My heart fluttered whenever you smiled.. You had the kind of eyes that i would melt in.. Your spontaneous laughter makes me laugh too.. I'm happy whenever you're near me.. I can never forget the time when you first asked me if i could be your girlfriend.. I was so happy.. The days spent with you were all so gleeful and joyful.. Our mini moments when we would randomly chat about something that probably no one cares about except us.. When we steal glances at each other and laugh about it later on.. When we would hold each others hand, never letting go.. I miss those moments... Then a few years later, you proposed to me.. I was overjoyed! I thought that we could finally start our own family.. We then found jobs soon after and after a year of labour, we could finally afford to buy a house.. We then moved in together.. You were the light to my dark days.. But because of your job, you got busier and busier.. I would wait all night for you to return and give you massages.. The meals that i've cooked often became leftovers.. The arguements that we had increased.. The calls and texts that we made to each other decreased to nothing at all.. You didn't even tell me you had changed your phone number.. But i still loved you and i tried carrying on with our marriage despite complications.. Sometimes you would come home late at night with a faint scent of perfume but i always brushed that thought away, forcing myself to think that everything is alright even though its not.. One night, you came back home drunk.. You hit me and told me that i didn't contribute or help you at all and told me i was the cause of you getting so stressed.. I walked out of that house crying.. I stayed over at my best friend's house and didn't return for 2 weeks.. I was very worried about you.. Worried if you had taken your meals, worried if you were fine and healthy.. But i soon came to realise how much of a fool i was.. I went back home late at night after i couldn't take it anymore.. Thats when i saw you there on the couch drinking wine.. I walked through that door but you didn't even flinch.. You didn't show any sign of affection.. Thats when i knew, our love was gone.. You looked at me but continued drinking your wine.. Did you not notice that i was gone for 2 weeks? I went into our bedroom and took out the suitcase i used to use when we went on holidays and packed all my stuff in it, not leaving a trace of me in there.. The photos that we took together were of us smiling.. But i tore them apart and threw them onto the ground.. I walked out with my suitcase... You looked at me in shock but didn't do or say anything... You then walked over to the kitchen to get more wine.. When did we ever go wrong? I wanted you to grab me and tell me that you still love me.. And tell me that you don't want me to leave.. But you didn't, and that was the last straw.. I glanced at you one last time before making my way out of the house, not turning back.. Because i knew that if i turned back again, i would regret.. I placed the keys in the house, not taking it with me because i know that i would never go back there again.. I turned my back on you just like how you did first and walked away.. No more tears to be shed for you, no more heartbreaks because of you and no more memories to be shared with you.. I am sick and tired of it.. I signed the divorce papers and left it in the house before leaving.. I'm going down the path without you now.. Wait no, you have left me before i knew but i was the fool who had chosen to believe in you.. But i will stay strong and live my #life without you.. I will be happier and forget you because you had thrown away our memories long before i knew.. And because of that, i will too...

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