Translate   11 years ago

Chapter two the splocks Gaildon had captured all of the spirits and took them to a prison but dinagon the big fierce monster was too hard to handle he had to be put with the splocks. They were dirty little creatures a face of a goblin but beware just because they don't look mighty doesn't mean they are. They are weak little creatures but in a group of 160 or more they could lift and control a dinagon. The prison was huge it was also Tallocks proof which makes it invincible. Tallocks were the king fairies the head of the all very bossy but the reason why the splocks captured them was for something evil and very complicated. They had a watery substance that could be used to make a wizardry power called the tame of doom.this watery substance called phenomin was mixed with gobbol pops (flower) and tels (goblin goo) and canras( a potion) mixing everything together you get super canras a potion that when you drink you have a power to scan everything that you see and turn it into information you need to know. The first Canras potion was found by t.c goblin and found in the horizon flower which grows every 600 yearshe drank and had the no loge to escape form the Tallocks proof prison when he was captured for destroying te sacred horizon flower that everyone was waiting to bloom. Dinagon was locked in a cage far away from the others suddenly black smoke started to appear the evil spirit was coming out of Henry's body. The black spirit pulling and pulling hoping he would get released by the dinagon. Of course the black spirit was just a spirit it wasn't real so the black spirit escaped from the pitch blackness oft he cage and went into a open world. Henry was back to his normal self everything was fine except the fact that he didn't know what happened was wierd because he thought he thought he was locked up for nothing.

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