Short Stuff I worry about writing short stuff. I worry that, by not writing many short Opusses, I am alienating some users who do not want to read longer texts. Should I strike more of a balance? It'd be easy enough to write just one-liners but these need to be balanced with longer texts as, as far as I am aware, letters make a word, words make a phrase, phrases make a sentence, sentences make a paragraph, paragraphs make a text, and texts make an author. Short posts can prove your wit (as long as the wit is your own) and get attention but the longer stuff is important as well. Unless you can churn out one-liners at an impressive rate (all bow down to the genius of Tim Vine). But I can't and so I worry, as plagiarism is not my cup of tea. So... I shall conduct an experiment and see where it gets me.
Craig Castleton
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Charles The Pig
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Simon Williams
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