Translate   12 years ago

Love #quote: Chapter 1 - Promises If you were in a room with rose petals and candle lights, what would you feel? Romance take place and magic happens right? It's a set up. Someone is trying to win you over. Better tell that person to back off. As for me, the rose petals and candle lights were sweet. But what was sweeter was when Jake swept me off my feet and carried me to the bed. You'd think something magical would happen right? I thought so too. He was half naked for peat sake! And his masculine figure would make you want to love him on the spot! But magic did happen. Magic that no one would ever anticipate a guy would do. After laying me down on the bed, he took his place beside me and kissed my lips. But after that we just talked. And he told me how special I am to him. It may sound corny. But I’d love a guy whose intention is not only sex. But to actually get to know the person so much that he can distinguish her dislikes within a minute. When I woke up this morning, there he was sitting in his chair next to the bed. I didn't know what to think because it looked like he slept there for the whole night. But he looked at me and smiled. He said "Baby don't get up. I have something for you." Then he left and when he came back. He had a tray for me. He made me breakfast. Then he fed me even though I told him I’d do it myself. He also bought me new clothes to wear. I knew they were clothes and they were mine because I saw a ROSS bag hidden behind the chair and it had my name on the present. Can't wait for the party later. It’s been 2 months now since meh and Jake started dating. Jake stared into my eyes and told me how much I meant the world to him. Tears ran down my cheeks and he kissed them away. He asked me what's wrong and I responded by telling him that maybe he's also lying to meh. But he said he'll prove to me that I’m everything to him. This was my last day to spend time with him because I was leaving the next day. I wasn't going to come back for a few months but he said he'll wait for me. In my head, I told myself that his promises and words are just lies and I cried again. It's been 2 years now since I’ve last seen and been with Jake. True I came back for a week or two because it was necessary, but I never scheduled any meetings with him. I'm still in Baguio packing my things ready to come back after taking college for those 2 years. Finally I’ve tested the waters and go back to my so called "island #lifestyle". And I’ve been much improved by my motivations to move forward. I wondered how Jake was doing but didn't think too much. By now, maybe, he'd forgotten me already. I sat there in the plane to go back to the little island of Guam. I reminisced about the things Jake promised me. He told me he wasn't ever going to hurt me, not let go, not give up, stay faithful and strong for us, prove the world wrong, always be there for me, accept me for who I am, never lose love for me, and love me no matter what. I fell into a dream when he made me his and I’d given my everything to him. And then when we were overlooking the sea from Two Lovers Point before I left. I woke up. I've landed and all I could think of was seeing my parents and my li'l cousins. I stepped out of the arrival station and on the other side of the door were my family and my friends holding up a huge banner welcoming meh back! I was so thrilled to see them all and get to hang out with them again. Then suddenly my stomach felt weird and I started getting light headed. There in the middle of my mob of friend was Jake surrounded with his friends and my friends. Could I bear see him again? I wanted to run away. As much as I wanted to run back to the plane and go back to PI, I knew I had to face this. So I walk out and everyone, including Jake, comes rushing in to greet me. My family was first and then my friends. I guess Jake wanted me for himself because he came up to me last. He looked at me and greeted me with a warm "Hello". I half expected him to kiss and embrace meh but he just held out his hand for me to shake. So I did. We were all heading home but my friends wanted to hang out with Jake. I declined. When I got home that night, I realized that I’ve been really cold to Jake. I mean he was just trying to be polite since my family and friends were there. So instead of going to sleep and getting some rest (I was really tired too), I called Jake. He picked up and ask me how I was doing. I said I was fine. He asked me if I wanted him to stop by and I said I’d rather much talk to talk to him in person instead of through phone so I said yes. When he arrived, I met him outside my gate and invited him to sit with meh at the garden instead of going inside. He was in a leather jacket and was wearing jeans. His hair was spiked up and he wore a black top with a skull for a design. Perfect, I thought. We were alone and the night was cold since it had only stopped raining, but I held myself because I did want to talk to him. "I'm sorry about a while ago," I started, "I mean being mean to you and stuff at the airport." "It's okay," he replied, "it’s okay, I understand. I'm sorry too. Maybe you wanted more out of that simple greeting." "Like what?" I asked. Then he kissed me and embraced me in the cold night. I couldn't let go and I couldn't imagine how much I’ve really missed him all those years. I thought he's forgotten me but here he was, taking me into his warm arms once again with no intention of creating spaces between us. Then his kisses stopped and his arms loosened. He stared into my eyes and for once I felt that we were the only people in the world. "I told you I’d wait for you and prove you that I’m not like others out there," he said, "Do you believe me now?" "Yeah," I said choking in tears, "Thanks for not giving up on meh." "You know I can never let you go, you're one of the most amazing and unique girls I’ve ever met." "I know, you too. I'm sorry. I doubted you, and I kind of thought you'd forget about meh since I’ve been gone for 2 years. I know i shouldn't have thought of that but I had a lot of things bugging me and--" Then he kissed me so tenderly and fiercely I thought he'd gotten mad at me for being stupid and naive. After a long while, he pulled away. "I'm just glad you're back." he said. "I've missed you so much. I never thought I could love someone this long. No contact. Nothing. But my love for you stayed and it burnt more with every passing day I thought of your return. I'm sorry. I just missed you so much and I guess I just--" Now it was my turn. I lunged for his lips and kissed him. I held onto him like the world was in his last minutes and just kept him there. He also pulled meh closer to him intending to make every spaces between us disappear. After last night, I felt more relaxed waking up the next morning. I checked my cell to see if Jake had left any messages for me. There was nothing. I got up to get breakfast and he was there in the living room. He slept on the sofa and I couldn't help but giggle. I walked over to him as I closely watched him sleep. I had an urge to kiss his cherry colored lips but I restrained myself from doing so. I headed for the kitchen to find that my mom had prepared a meal for two on the counter. I just smiled. I felt arms wrapping themselves around my waist. Then a kiss on my cheek. I look up to see his twinkling eyes admiring meh. He turned meh around and kissed my lips. Even though my morning had just started, I felt that I just wanted to crawl back into bed with him. I was feeling seductive somehow. I led him to the room and it was as if he'd already known. But he didn't permit my hormones from controlling meh. I can see he was trying not to get pulled into my sexual behavior. He just kissed my forehead. For the rest of the day, I stayed in bed while he labored around the house. I felt bad cuz this was in fact my house, but he was taking every time he had to just clean it. I couldn't watch him labor in my own private environment any longer. I got up and walked straight up to him as he swept my tile covered floor. "Jake, you don't have to do that," I started, "I feel bad that you take the effort to clean the mess I should handle and I just think that's not right, especially since you're my guess here." "Pearl," he replied soothingly, "It's okay. I wanna do this for you. I mean, I don't want to stress you out too often. I wanna be able to make you relax even just for some time. I just wanna make you happy." "Jake, you always make me happy. You don't always have to do the things you always do to make me happy. You're just actually making me feel more disappointed in myself cuz you're doing work for meh." "Oh," he said depressingly, "I didn't know. I'm so sorry Baby. But I don't think I can stop being like this. I mean if you want me to change, I could, but it'll take time for me to do that." "Jake," I replied sweetly, "You don't have to change anything for meh. I love you just the way you are and I hope you feel the same way for meh. I mean I know I can be really cold sometimes, but we both know we're strong enough to weather through it all. I told you that I’ll love you for who you are and what you are, and I’ll never intend in changing anything about you." He took me into his arms and held onto meh as if I was to disappear once more for the last time. I embraced him, never intending to let go, as he reached for my face caressing it with his warm, smooth hands. His face came lower, his nose touched mine, and I knew what he was after. I leaned in as well for that kiss I’ve longed to always feel. This kiss was not like any of the others I’ve felt; then again his kisses have always felt different each time his lips touch mine. This time, I felt the vibe of electric currents pulsing my veins with every anticipation to pull him closer and never let go. I knew he felt the same way; the wave of hormones we always seem to share each time our bodies touched, even just for the slightest bit. Sweeping meh off my feet, he carried me back to my room, settling meh down on my bed, joining me by my side, and wrapping the silky blanket around us as if we were entering our own world in our own time. Both souls didn't resist; both not wanting time to end; for every time their bodies were caressed within each others' reach, their temptation and bond with each other then becomes inseparable. The night went by like a bullet. I woke up just to find that my clothes scattered all over the floor. Jake; however was nowhere by my side. I checked outside to find that he has left and that he has also taken all of his belongings with him. Right then and there, I knew it was all over. He didn't love me at all; everything was just talk. After he got what he wanted, the one thing I never wanted to give him before, he left meh cold and alone. I knew he was just one of the many other guys who have been with me just to take advantage my kind heart. I regretted giving myself to Jake. I regretted that night. He just proved to me that all the guys are the same. And yet, even with this in mind, I still loved him. I shed tears the whole day just thinking of the lies and promises he has broken and made up to get me. And even though how much I despised and regretted him, my heart wouldn't stop beating for him and screaming his name. I wondered, for the whole day and the whole night, what will happen to me now that he's gone. Where does my future lie now? I wondered and thought.

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