Bioshock- Dark Encounter The year is 2013, in New York's most prestigious children's orphanage "Doctor Tennenbaum's home for Little Sisters". The place is well known for taking in any orphaned child they find, not just girls as the name suggests. The founder, Jack, is dying. He is 72 years old. A nurse comes in to check on him. The nurse looks young, but her eyes reveal that she may be older than she seems, the same way Jack's make him seem so much younger. Her name badge reads "HELLO, MY NAME IS: Eleanor" "How are you feeling Jack?she asks, her English accent now somewhat distorted from living in New York for so long. Jack does not respond. He doesn't need a nurse anymore. He doesn't need anyone anymore. He passes painlessly, and sleeps peacefully for the first time in so long. Eleanor stops a moment to reflect on the man's #life. Oh, and what a #life it had been. There was a notebook on the table. Eleanor opened it, the parchment-like pages scratching her hands, and began to read... They told me "Son, you're special. You were born to do great things". And you know what? They were right --------------------------------- Okay so this is a little introduction to the story I'm writing. Any comments?? Thanks xxxx

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