Translate   12 years ago

Spare Change? “Can you spare some change, sir?” I don’t have any. My pockets are empty. If I say that though he won’t believe me, he’ll just keep on asking and begging for me to give him change. I’m sorry sir but I can’t give you change! I’m too scared of the world to bring about change! This world is greedy, this world is competitive, this world will chew me up and spit me out when I even mention the word “change.” I cannot give you any change because I am too weak to stand up on my own and exclaim to the world that these things must change! There is a problem and we cannot fix it without change! I’m to scared, to weak, to nervous, to comfortable in the place I stand, to closed minded and believe the things I hear from my government and on the TV and on the radio, to focused about what’s directly in front of me and to lazy to turn my head to see you sitting there asking each and every one of us for our change. I just need to ignore you and keep on walking down the straight path I’ve been on for my whole #life. I will, however, so you can shut up, give you the few cents in my pocket that I like to call “change.”

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