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The Angels Descendent Chapter 1 The Mistake “Creek! Creek!” went the sounds of footsteps walking on the noisy wooden floor boards. “Hello? Who’s down there?” I said with a eerie feeling.“Don't come any closer.” The sound was getting louder and coming my way. I shut the door and ran into the closet. "Come out, come out wherever you are," he snickered. Elissa snapped open the doors and smacked the guy with the door. “Ow! Ow! Oh C’mon Elissa!” said the boy with a ski mask on. “You jerk! I thought someone actually broke into my house. How the hell did you find the keys, again.” I screamed with anger while revealing the boy by ripping off the mask. "Well you did again you give me a pair of keys it's your mistake not mine" he said with his low tones voice. "Whatever." She said like an extinguished fire. "Leave Jason. I'm not kidding, you're so lucky my parents aren't here. And eh it is your fault. I gave it to you for emergencies." "Fine, fine I'll let the little girl be happy." He said sarcastically. "Bye baby girl." "Shut up!" I heard Jason going halfway down the staircase but then there was a slithering gargle noise coming from the hallway. "Jason stop trying to scare me again. It's not gonna work." But that's when she realized that it wasn't Jason. She saw red liquid seep through the carpet. “Too dark for blood,” she thought. She walked to the door to open it a crack to see and there, she see's a monster with tentacles everywhere. What is that she wondered In panic she called him. She opened the window ever so gently and yelled, "Jason! Jason help!" she could see him staring directly at her wondering if it was payback or the truth. By the time her thinking process was done, her door came flying out the window. "JASON ALEXANDER DEWAR!" she panted. The monster, or as she liked to call it, the toxic octopus, started to come closer. The monster looked like an octopus but with legs and all of the suction cup things had teeth like a shark, rows and rows of them. Jason knew something was up when she called him by his full name. "Elissa! I'm coming!" He ran as fast as he could. Jason broke the door down and raced to the stairs. "Elissa! Elissa! I'm here, I'm here!" "Jason, help! help!" Elissa shouted as loud as she could. By the time Jason got up the stairs and opened the door, it was too late. The monster got a hold of the girl and flung her up several times and eventually broke the ceiling and onto the roof. "Jason, Jason I'm falling. I'm gonna hit the ground!" She screamed waiting to fall to her death. "Hold on! Just stay right there don't move." Jason replied. "Where would I possibly go?" She asked rhetorically. She just barely made her way to the ledge of the window. "DON'T LOOK ELISSA!" He demanded. But she couldn't help it. After all, it was her room and her house. She saw Jason driving a bright glowing blade right down the center of the monster’s body and drew it down splicing the monster to tiny pieces. "You made a horrible mistake! You'll see." Screeched the monster. "What was that!" Elissa yelled from outside her window. "It was a demon. I thought you would know because you are smart aren't you? And well, you did just witness this al-." Jason responded "Wait,wait. Why wouldn't I be able to see it?" Elissa asked “You don't know, do you? ” Before she could answer, one of the live and long moving tentacles bit Jason on the leg. He accidentally grabbed Elissa and started to fall off of the second floor of the house. The impact was pretty harsh, that Elissa and Jason were both knocked out instantly. Chapter 2 Secrets and Stories to be Revealed

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