Chapter 2 By a miracle consisting of some not-so-legal speeds and unfriendly horn honking, I make it to school with two minutes until the final bell. But my first class is still on the other side of campus. I hop out of the car and stand still. Anyone looking would have considered me a statue. I close my eyes, and run. I run so fast the world becomes a blur. "I wonder if this is how cheetahs see the world" I think. I will have to try that some time. Go out in the forest on the hill when I'm "walking to Brook's house". No one would suspect a thing. In what seems like no time at all, I'm standing outside room 35. As I step inside the bell rings. My best friend, Brook, waves at me. "Jeesh Claire! Thought you weren't coming. What took so long?" She pushes her glasses up on her pale nose and continues. "Guess what? Frankie isn't here today. We have a SUBSTITUTE. In other words, we have a non-productive period with actually finish able homework. By Frankie, she means Mrs. French, who ironically, is our Spanish teacher. By a non-productive period she means that we will probably be having the usual dreary, zombie-afying substitutes that we always get here at PCS. The door opens and the sub walks in. She looks to be about forty and is wearing a dress that was made for some one much younger. I pull out my books and prepare for a lesson as dreary and unatractive as the substitute.
Anna Stith
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