перевести   12 лет назад

My #life Vs Yours I have scars. I have wounds: some of them open. I have turmoil. I have anger: mostly taken out on my own skin - a broken mirror, a can, a tin. I have fear of spiders but I fear people more. I have issues. I have difficulties accepting myself. I don’t believe in a light at the end of the tunnel. I see whats there to see.. The truth, reality - best friends crying, committing suicide, dying. I see what happened to me as a kid: shouting & screaming over the wrong I did; picking up the pieces after being violated. I love the thought of peace after dying, the thought of creating a river from my tears… An outlet from all my painful years. I see no harm in trying, but what they’re all doing is lying… They say one day we’ll grow wings and fly away from all these deadly things. But I’ve been here for so long in this trap. I’ve only ceased to exist. It won’t be long before I need more stitches to my worn out wrist. I love. I hate. I deliberate. I try. I fight. I take plight. But never do I succeed. For me, the success is in bleeding. And forever this is how ill be feeling. So when you look at me, and all you see is stupidity… Think of these words, my sincerity. My aim is to fly. To reach the sky. Heaven is my goal. Whilst yours may be a marriage or a child or three… My #life is soiled for eternity - because of what someone else did to me. Think again before you assume that my #life is easy. I live, each day, with much integrity. But Ill never be the ‘norm’ I long to be.

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