The Lake I hear: "Come on to the shore - it's calmer here. No boat to rock. Steady, firm. There is a lot of fun to be had here on the shore. Come, be hedonistic! Do not think on those questions you seek answers to. Do not imagine those things which do not serve you in daily #life. Come, come ashore and just enjoy your days!" But, Shhhh! Can I tell you a secret? ... I like this lake. I like what it gives me (most times). I like that it isn't always steady, and flat, and usual. I like its quirkiness. I like it when the ripples become waves and everything starts to thrash about a bit (but not always when they crash into me so hard that I lose my breath). I NEED those things. I NEED to sink deeper, and feel stronger, and cry...harder. Otherwise, what is it about the days to be enjoyed? Pain deciphers pleasure. And hardship determines strength.

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