Still Trying, Or Whatever -Tale Beyond What You Know Still ... trying, kinda.. A few 'thoughts-everywhere' nights and getting shot by "WHat are u Doing" lasers... Having a lot and in-no-order thoughts floating around my head Conflicts, Confrontation Confusions Before all this mess I believe at one stage I did try to figure things out But now reality-related problems, "what are you going to do" future simulations and [Only God would know] stabs are pouring in Screwing it, I don't know what's in my head Challenges have been raised, 8hours of painting per day she said, then I would be as good as those art students Can I do that shit? And my head is a mess, thank you very much new med that's suppose to help with my way of thinking, You did incredibly well And I can't think of another way to squeeze in more sarcasm into one sentence #TitleChallenge @yikici

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