Skeleton Tree Blossoms bloody red fell from the tree. A mockingbird mocked. A squirrel scuttled to get acorns. Yet the blossom bloody red bled. Droplets fell from the tree as tear drops for their separation. The wind blew rustling the trees prizes. A ghostly smile hung from the tree. Pale white face creeped back. Hollowed eyes watched. Limp body dangled by the neck. White gown now red. A crow crowed. A raven cawed. Eating away flesh. Grubs hide in her eyes. Rats den in her mouth. Silver stuck from her side. Neck cut, stomach entrails fell, bruises everywhere, a chelsea grin, broken arm, missing foot, and a missing ring. Lost again. Forever and ever. This time she won't be found just like the others. Just a decoration. Swaying side to side. Waiting to be found. Shallow graves circle the tree. An empty one for her.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère