Scream 6 - Opening Scene A d&m production A Denhym Bennett film ( ring,ring,ring.) Camille - hello Friend - hey camille are you watching tv Camille - yeah why what's up Friends- turn to channel one Camille - why Friend - just do it Camille - yeah hold on ( camille turns to channel three) Camille - what the hell Friend - I know right 5 girls butchered people are saying that they were all stabbed to death Camille - do they know who did it Friend - not a clue but they were all stabbed using a hunting knife the same knife used by Camille - ghost-face Friend - the one and only each victim gotta call from the killer Camille - let me guess what's your favourite scary movie or did they decide not to go old school and recreate the franchise by saying its the last person you'll ever see alive Friend - probably just some psycho kid that watches to much stab Camille - eh cant wait till the sequel you know if we even live to see it Friend - ha ha um gotta go maths assignment that's due tomorrow Camille - k see you tomorrow bye ( ring,ring,ring,) Camille - I said goodbye Deep voice - well why would you say that Camille - oh sorry I thought you were someone else Deep voice - don't worry mistakes happen Camille - um don't mind me asking but who am I speaking to Deep voice - well that all depends on you Camille - what's that supposed to mean Deep voice - well what do you want it to mean Camille - why do you ask so much questions Deep voice - I just want to get to know you Camille - yeah well I think you know enough bye now Deep voice - don't hang up on me Camille - and why would I listen to you Deep voice - because I think that you'd want to live till tomorrow Camille - i am this close to calling the cops Deep voice - then I'll have to make this quick ( camille screams as killer jumps out of closet and chases her up the stairs while camille throws objects at the killer then camille runs into a room and locks the door then she opens up a window to climb out and onto the roof once window is open the killer smashes threw the door and grabs her legs as she climbs out but she kicks him in the face and he falls to the ground then she pulls herself onto the roof and limps away then killer comes out behind her grabs her mouth and stabs her in the tummy she falls on the roof and killer stabs her in back twice then she nearly falls of roof but holds onto the gutter and the killer attempts to stab her hand but she let go and falls to the ground but survives then she starts to crawl and sees her mums car ) Camille - mum , dad ( then the killer comes out the front door pulls her back a little then flips her over and stabs her then drags her inside and onto roof again as mum and dad drive in the driveway ) Mum - look the house is fine Dad - I'm not taking any chances Mum - err you have got to learn to trust your daughter Dad - oh I trust her but I don't trust the big phone bill that we'll have Mum - well lets see about that ( then body falls on car wind shield ) Mum - oh my god Dad - what the hell get out of the car ( mum and dad get out of the car and see body on car wind Shield ) Mum - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SCREAM 6 !
denhym bennett
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