Translate   12 years ago

Negative Thoughts "Perception is your point of view, it's how you see things, and we see and we think in pictures in our mind, those images set up vibrations in our body. On a conscious level vibrations are referred to as feelings. Do you know that as you change your images, you change your vibration and you change how you feel? We have the ability to alter the vibratory rate of this massive energy we call our body at will. We've got awesome power locked up in our mind, it's the greatest power in all of creation, we've gotta learn how to use it. Check your beliefs out, you'll find that you can change them and when you do you change your world." "Where does the chemistry of the blood come from? The answer is the brain is the chemist, it releases this chemistry into the blood through our thoughts. So the chemistry released comes from the brain, yeah, but what determines which of the chemicals [are] released by the brain? The answer is your thoughts and your beliefs and your perceptions. Your mind interpreting the world. I'm sitting here right now, I close my eyes, I open up my eyes and there's someone I love in front of me, my perception of someone I love causes me to release chemicals like dopamine, the pleasure chemical, isotosin, the chemical that causes us to have bonding relationships together, it causes the release of serotonin, the growth hormone, these are hormones that, when they get into the blood, enhance our body's health and the maintenance of the body and the growth of the body and that's why when you open your eyes and you're in love biologically you're feeding the best nutrition and information to the cells possible." "When we feel stressed, when we are frightened, when we live our lives in perpetual and chronic fear, that is a very different kind of signal, now I didn't say it's right or wrong or good or bad because all of these signals serve us in one way or another. Chronic, perpetual, stress [and] chronic, perpetual fear shuts down the ability to create the healing in our bodies because we are in what is called fight or flight and that kind of an experience signals our heart to tell our brain to create the hormones cortisol, for example, and high levels of adrenaline that prepare us for the fight or flight we're perceiving." "The one side of the coin is love releases chemicals that enhance your growth and your energy and that's why it's so healthy to be in love and the flip side of that coin is if you open your eyes and there's not someone you love but something that scares you, something that threatens you, then the chemistry that is released from the brain is designed to protect you. Well, to protect you; if I have to run away from a lion or whatever it is, then I wanna allocate all of the energy for my fight or flight, otherwise I'm not gonna survive. So protection says: "when I get into protection [mode] I have to put all my energy into protection".. I say "yeah but what was that energy doing before you needed protection?".. "Oh it was providing for my growth." When you're in protection you actually shut down the growth and maintenance of the system. If I would take the chemistry of negative thoughts, which are stress hormones, cortisol [and] inflammatory agents and add those to my culture dish my cells would ultimately die out in that culture environment."

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