Radioactive Chapter One I walked around the forest looking for some firewood sweating and sore. The soreness from just being cut deep in the arm by thorn and since I've been walking all day in the sun, you can put the pieces together. I found a log and picked it up throwing it over my shoulder, and walking back to camp. I tried to find more, but I guess the others got to it before my group did. Slowly trying to find the might to walk normally to camp I fell to the ground falling onto the log. I heard a scream and a loud thud. I crawled to a rock and peeked from behind it. There was a teenage boys neck slit open bathed in blood. I ran to the corpse and searched through his pockets and grabbed a box of matches. There was only three matches left but it would help. Carefully I opened his jacket and found a knife and snatched it throwing it in my bag. I heard footsteps "I think she went this way!" My head zoomed up. I didn't have enough time to look through his bloody bag so I quickly grabbed both of the bags and ran as fast as I could. Running then falling onto a tangle of thorns. I winced in pain pulling myself up. Wow, thorns hate me. They were getting closer and I had to get away. I climbed up the tree and was set still for a while listening to there conversation. "Where is the little one?" I heard a high pitched voice shout. "She has the things we probably need. We're going to die soon, maybe." Said a stronger voice. "Yeah maybe! We need to find the girl and kill her. She might have some useful things in her bag." Said two people, they sounded like a man and a teen girl. "Okay just fan out, we'll find her." The teen girl shouted. I heard them walk different directions. I looked through my bags and pulled out a match and scraped it against the tree causing a flame to flicker on the tip of the match. I looked around and saw a red headed women with green eyes, face covered with freckles. I whistled quietly. She turned around quickly and pulled out her spear backing into the tree. I dropped the match and it fell on her red hair. She immediately screamed. She ran around on fire causing a bush to catch on fire spreading it through the forest. I jumped out of the tree and stumbled back to camp. When I reached camp everyone was eyeing me. "What the hell happened Serephima?!?" Steven snapped. I realized I was painted with blood. Marie glared at me. "I sent you out to get more firewood and you come back looking like you just climbed out of a grave! I didn't reply and threw the box of matches at her. "You're welcome." I sat on a log by the small fire and took off my soaked jacket. When I thought my day of fighting was over someone kicked down one of our tents and I grabbed a gun and saw a figure in a brown jacket. Steven tackled him and Marie tied him up to a tree then I grabbed the gun. "You shouldnt've came to our camp you asshole." I told the man loading my gun. "Please don't shoot" he cried "I'll do anything!" I pointed the gun to his head and shrugged "You can die." I pulled the trigger blood splattering all over me." I'm not showing mercy I want to survive I will survive this war.
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