One In A Million "mummy, will i look like you when I'm a grown up?" I heard a little girl ask her mother as i was shopping in a small second-hand clothing shop. The child, who could be no more than six, was admiring herself in the mirror, presenting herself in a sparkly t-shirt and heels, both which were too big for her. she had a necklace that sported many different colored gems, and a silver bracelet that she occasionally had to pick up from the floor as it fell off of her wrist. The woman who had to be her mother smiled as she knelt down to her daughter's height. I expected her to say 'of course you will look like me' and then tell her to put back everything where she found it, but what she actually said was so much more. tilting her daughter's head up slightly so that they made eye contact, she fixed the girls necklace as she spoke. "No love, you will not look like me, you will look so much better. you will look like you, with those blue eyes and brown hair. you will never need to worry about who you will look like, because no other person in the whole wide world could be you, because you're special. you're one in a million, and looking like someone else would take that away." the woman told her daughter in a voice that was soft and beautiful. the girl looked back in the mirror for a moment, and then grinned widely. "One in a million? that's a whole lot!"
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no one
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Sienna Williamson
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Diana âðâð
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Diana âðâð
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