Translate   11 years ago

Weird Land Oliver Nightingale was normal, boring almost. Yet this wasn't his fault, and he knew it too. Oliver was a product of his environment, but wasn't sour about it either. He worked as janitor at the Oak Forest Brewery in Foggy Sands Cove on the Oregon coast. It was a small town of fifteen-hundred, give or take. During the summer it was vibrantly alive with tourists and travels. During the rest of the year it was just another fishing and lumber town. The beer however traveled across the country year round. It's another in the Oregon tradition of superb micro-brews. Oliver was proud of that fact too, he liked working there because he felt it was important. Even though he was a janitor he was diligent about his work and he did it well. There was nothing special about Oliver Nightingale. He was born in San Francisco and lived there till he was eight. Three months after his eighth birthday his mother called it quits and divorced his father. His father Henry was a mechanic, a drunk and an emotional abuser. Nothing out of the ordinary for lots and Oliver never had issues about deadbeat father and grew up well adjusted. His mother June, moved them to Foggy Sands Cove for a nursing job and lives there to this day. She was the polar opposite to his father. She was kind and caring and was habitually proud of him. Oliver loved to draw, read, listen to punk rock and cook. He enjoyed what he did and what his hobbies were but never felt special. This fact never truly upset him in any capacity either. He enjoyed his simple #life and was content to live it as he did. That though would change, as most things do. And it would change for him in such a way he never would have dreamt of. His #life would change forever the day he met -- The Devil. That was the day he found out just how little he truly knew about world. That day was the day he knew monsters were very, very real. And when he learned about such things, the last thing he imagined was that he would have to fight them. Now Oliver Nightingale, a young man with no aspirations of greatness, was more than just special now. He would become a beacon of hope, and he would be the thing monsters feared. To be continued...

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