Autism On October 25, 2011 my family and i found out that my 2 year old sister has Autism. Its kind of a struggle because she couldn't talk to tell us what she wanted, or what she felt, she has social problems and doesn't like anyone but who she knows around her. I've caught my mother crying a few times, because she blames herself for my sister having autism, and she gets upset because my sister can't say "momma" like the rest of us did. She knows its not my sister's fault but my mother wants to hear her baby's voice and she can't. Im completely fine with my sister having autism, i treat her the same as i do with everyone else, with me she doesn't get special attention unless it's important. Over the last two years my sister has learned a few words like "stop", "go" , "no", "hi" ,"bye", "dad", and the one that puts a smile on my mothers face, "Mom". she has been warming up to new faces as well. This year we found out that the child after my sister has autism as well and might have Apraxia. He is two now going on three, he doesn't talk but he is quite a fighter. He doesn't like when people play with his toys or anything he likes, he loves cars and he only knows how to say a few words also like, "stop", "no", "mom", and "dad". Sometimes i think he just might have apraxia, because he struggles to say words. I hope he doesn't but i think he might. Having a brother and sister with autism is hard, this month my sister grabbed a chair from the kitchen and brought it to the front door, she unlocked the door and went outside at 30 am. Everyone in the house was sleeping and our neighbors brought her back they told us she went to McDonalds on the corner if our street. Then two days later i slept downstairs to guard the front door with the couch. My sister must have super strength because she pushed the couch out of the way and unlocked everything, went to our neighbors house, walked right in and sat on their couch. They thought somebody broke in their home but when they came down they saw my sister sitting down watching t.v. So thats when we got a new lock, there is a huge bolt lock on our door and she hasn't been out since plus we lock her in her room at night now. People in our family were saying she might get taken away by family services, but we talked to her teachers and they said they cant take her because she has been diagnosed with autism and we did try to prevent it. And due to them having autism my mother made a FB page for autistic children, you can send them cards, gifts, just anything they like its called The Last Piece Of The Puzzle Autism. So living in a house with autistic children isn't that bad.
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