Traducciones   12 años

Passion So many dreams of this day What seems like a #lifetime I have longed for you The answer to my prayers Rehearsed in my mind Yet mysteriously new Greater, more powerful Than thoughts or imagination Holding you close Your feminine touch felt deep within Gazing into the reality of your prescence Tears well up from within me Your loving eyes releasing Years of heartache and pain In your midst, loneliness vanishes From the beating of your heart You speak without words Smile of acceptance and love Searching for you as in a desert for water No longer striving, I have found paradise I am speechless, no words enough To express all that you mean to me Drawing your mouth to mine You comfort and excite me We kiss with passion and longing Drinking in your soft breath The delicious warmth of your lips Your love overpowering me I hold you closer, feeling your softness and warmth The beauty of your lips, dancing eyes Golden hair draping your shoulders Full of splendor Your supple breasts delight me Made for each other With passion, our bodies melt Molding into one Soon to go deeper Expression of desire and pleasure Ecstasy awaits I pour my love into you Hold me forever In your arms

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