All Around Us all around us #life is all around us Thousands of miles away. Which brings sadness, Misery, pain,grief and guilt. #life's hard people are suffering Out there. Dying of starvation Every few seconds... Another innocent person dies People innocent people stuck? Living in war-stricken countries Getting killed and losing everything And everyone. All over some one Who clearly isn't happy with his own #life And is always finding themselves what more Power? The arse I'm sure everyone would enjoy A bit of power, But you know everyone cannot have that So do not rule yourself out as someone special Because if that is you one day you wont see it coming But forces group becoming stronger Fight for your rights Stand up for yourself Pick yourself up if your at the lowest point Because everyone is the same No matter where there from background religion or color Don't judge have something to say? Say it to there face we'd love to see you do it Because everyone has rights no matter What people say every individual has rights!-Freedom! So no matter what others say Don't let them stop you live your #life to the fullest Achieve the greatest always believe Never give up Run wild be free Live freely, go to hell screw everyone else Just make sure there the best decisions you can Never let anyone stop you or get in the way.

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