Traducciones   12 años

Strange Dwendlings! Why does it all matter? Work, school, holidays and homework? How great is the importance? Of not doing that algebra revision? Why does it matter? How many cars you own or if you have a designer hoodie? Tell me of the meaning and value, To the universe alone! Sitting here at one am with the stars shining, My legs dangling from my window. A pen and a piece of paper resting on my lap. Why does it matter? All of these little things? We live on, humans, with our silly little lives. From Hitler to pollution and global warming, The losses of humans and fish. Why did we do this? What is the meaning? Of killing jews and industrialising our towns? I know I sound silly- incredibly stupid, But to the universe alone we are a single planet. With the cars and roads and remains of nature, We are planet earth. So aliens wouldn't care if you did your homework, Neither would they care it you went to work! Aliens wouldn't care what clothes you wear, So humans, why should we?

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