übersetzen   12 Jahre

@bansheebright @bansheebright, Your such a sight, For my sore eyes, it's the truth, no lies. Your #poems seem deep, Like you have been hurt, Probably laid there in nothing but his t-shirt. But you don't have to reminisce, Just dismiss, The jokers kiss, Whilst you read this, Hopefully you realise, What others see when they look in your eyes. Not just the brown circles that hide your feelings, But it's what they represent, Not just the words but also there meanings. So don't be depressed, Opuss hates people being upset, Cheer up and just forget, Or if you can't forget, Just please let, Me and others make you smile, Could take a while. Or hopefully this did a little, That would be a success, So are you ok Hun? Comment and just say yes

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