Traduire   12 années depuis

A Cheerful #poem All this here to me seems grim, For no laughs do you make, it's all sorrow and sin, The heartache and crying, This miserable din Can go on no longer, so a change do I bring. Away with the heartache, the sorrow, the pain, In with the laughter, through sun and through rain, #depression helps nothing, it makes one feel worse, So lighten up, friends, you act like you're cursed! I want to be helpful, to bring in some zest To this dismal arrangement where one cannot jest. I'll be simple and brief, to try and end sorrow By saying "I'm here for you, now, today and tomorrow".

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère