The Day. And still remember the very first day I met you. October 23, 2012. I knew since that moment that I would love you. Every inch of you. You made my eyes glow and my heart race. I remember everything about that day. What I was wearing. What we talked about. Where we were. 218 days ago. Exactly 7 months and 6 days. To be honest with you.. I didn't think you could feel this way about someone you met on a Royal Caribbean cruise.. But I've been proven wrong. Very wrong. I didn't know I would feel this way about someone.. I really didn't. It's like in some way you know that you're going to have let go.. But then at the same time you don't want to. You can't envision your #life without them. When no matter what they can put a smile on your face. Thy can bring the warmth back into your heart. And that's when you know what love is.

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