Translate   11 years ago

Dark I have always been a dark personality. You could put me in a clown suit, and surround me with bright people, but yet it was still very apparent I didn't belong. At at an adolescent age of 10 I had already aspired to be a coroner. The cutting of newly expired flesh had always intrigued me. In biology we where promised a dissection at the end of the year. As you would expect I was so, very excited! Months ,weeks, and days passed. After what seemed like a #lifetime of waiting my chance finally erupted. We where explained safety, and what we where expected to see. She dismissed us to the lab. I jumped up from my seat with a shimmer in my eye! I went to my pig, looked her in the eye, and said "I can't wait to open you up.." We tied her and they handed me the scalpel. I slid it down her torso, and peeled away the skin. The smell of Formaldehyde rose in a thick cloud from its innards. My head grew light and empty feeling. After staggering to the opposite side of the table, desperately searching for a stool. My neck fell limp onto the table. I slid off the table as if I where a puppet being cut from its string. I hit the ground only seeing a monochrome black. The other student proceeded to scream and try to help me. I couldn't see, but somehow managed to get back to me feet. My vision returned, and the teacher sent me to the nurse. It was there that I was told I was allergic to Formaldehyde. My hopes, and dreams where crushed by her lips and voice coinciding to form such horrible words. Me, the gothic girl, with big black platform boots, black lipstick, and a large abundance of eyeliner, am allergic to embalming fluid. I can no longer pursue my dreams, and I am lost in this murky being. I guess it's time to tie my childhood into a bow and throw it out. It deeply saddens me. To even say this. Back to the drawing board.

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