Soul Of A Captive. Chapter seven- The hand on my shoulder pulled me around to face the person I thought I'd never see again. As I turned around my hand went into my pocket to grab my phone to text Danny. As soon as I was facing the person In front of me they pulled me into a tight hug. I took this opportunity to text Danny. *Danny come get me, quick! My sisters here help!!* I typed as quick as I could then pulled away and stuck my phone in my pocket. "Let's go get some coffee Nat and have a quick talk" Lucy said while grabbing my hand and dragging me to the nearest coffee shop. As we walked into the coffee shop I kept a look out for Danny, I wish he would hurry up. We sat down at a table near a window and she began to talk about how her #life was and how my brother and mother were doing. I listened and just nodded faking interest in what she was saying. After two minutes of her just going on about pointless things she asked the question I knew she was dying to ask. "So Natasha, why don't you come home with me?" Lucy asked. She held her breath as I thought of a nice way to say I don't want to. "I'm happy where I am thanks. I'm going to go now Lucy." As I said her name I stood up and started to walk away. As I walked out the small cafe I didn't turn round once But I heard Lucy following me. As I stepped out onto the street Danny was, stood next to our black SUV, waiting for me. He looked at me and smiled then he noticed Lucy following behind and grimaced. I shrugged my shoulders at him. When I got to Danny I stood next to him and waited for my sister to get in front of us. Once she was stood in front of us she looked from me then to Danny about five times then it dawned on her. "Is this the guy that kidnapped you?!?" Lucy shouted while reaching out to slap him. I grabbed her wrist just before the contact. "Sh Lucy, no this is my fiancé, do you think I'd still be with him if I was held against my will?" I joked. I saw a small smile creep onto her face but she soon got rid of it. "Natasha you can't stay with him, he's a murder! Please come back home!" She begged with a sad look plastered on her face. "I'm sorry Lucy I'm happy where I am. I'm not coming home!" I replied rubbing her shoulder. "Goodbye." I said while turning away and getting into the car. As we drove away I looked at her out the window she held her head high trying to hide the hurt but I could see the tears in her eyes. The drive home was silent, we were both deep in our thoughts, I knew after this we would have to move again. We would probably have to move miles away so no one would be able to find us again. As I thought about moving I got excited but also scared because my picture had been shown all over the news anyone could recognise me. Suddenly the car came to a stop jolting me from my thoughts, we were home. Twenty minutes after arriving home we were sat on our sofa discussing what just happened and what we should do now. "We can't stay here anymore!" I told Danny with my head in my hands. "We don't know what could happen now." I continued knowing that we'd be moving again. "I know darling, pack your bags and we will move again." He said in a kind voice. I nodded my head, stood up and went to my room to pack my bags. An hour later we were all packed and setting off once again to somewhere new. I lent my head against the cool window and just watched the world pass by, in a matter of minutes my eyelids were fluttering shut and I was asleep. When I awoke we were in a gas station 100 miles away from Scotland, our new home, Danny wasn't in the car so I just looked around where we were. There we five filling up stations and one big shop where you had to pay. There were two other cars in front of us and one behind m, I turned in my seat to see the car behind once I looked I turned back to face the front as fast as I could hoping they didn't see me. There was a police car behind us, Danny wasn't back yet and we had to get away. I shut my eyes and waited for Danny. A tap in my window made my eyes open wide a police man was stood there, I rolled down my window and asked what the problem was. "What's your name, miss?" The police man asked nicely. "Natasha." I answered simply. "Where's the driver Natasha?" He asked me. I explained to him that Danny was in the shop paying for the gas we bought and that everything was okay. "We'd like to talk to him. Could you come sit in our car while we speak to him?" He asked kindly, I agreed not wanting to look suspicious, I climbed out of our car and walked to the police car. I saw Danny come out of the shop and look at me with a panicked look on his face. Danny came over to the police car and asked the officer what was wrong. The officer nodded his head as if he was confirming what he already knew. "Danny your under arrest for kidnapping Natasha Wright. You have the right to remain silent..." By the time the officer was saying that he had turned Danny round and put him in handcuffs. Tears fell from my eyes as Danny was put into the back of the car and locked in. The officer then came round to me sat me in the passengers side of the police car and locked that door as well. The officer got into the drivers seat put the key into the engine and set off to the nearest station. "Your safe now Natasha." The officer said to me as we pulled into the station. "I was safe before. I don't want to go home officer." I cried as he got Danny out of the car and took him into the station. The officer then came back out, unlocked my door and lead me into the station. He sat me down in a room and told me to wait.
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