Monsters Monsters are no longer in our closet. Or under our beds. They are now in our hearts and have managed to sneak into our souls. Monsters are no longer something physical and made up. They're in our heads lurking to find weak spots. They like to come out at night and bring back memories. They like to make the sadness sneak in with them. And by the end of the night.. You end up crying. But not tears.. You end up making a strange weeping noise. You feel so cold and alone. And the strange thing is that you toss and turn and get that feeling in your throat. You're all choked up.. But tears aren't coming out. So you're laying there. Numb. And you don't really know what's wrong. You're not fine. But you're not, not fine either. You're somewhere in the middle. You sad and happy. And still trying to figure out how that may be.. So you lay there. Over analyze every possible thing. You question everything. And by the end you end up hopeless.. And there isn't anything to do about it. So, once you start to get older you realize that monsters are no longer in our closets and under our beds. They are in our hearts and souls. And that is truly frightening.

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