Traduire   12 années depuis

I want to go deep back in history to know whether mankind indulged in as much violence as it does today. Cruelty, meanness and the sheer disregard for #life of others seems to be rising exponentially . History does indicate that savage wars were fought over territories and humans slaughtered humans in the mad rush to eliminate competition. But those were days of little resources and limited education . We have advanced eons as far as education and resource mobilisation is concerned. But brutality persists. We even kill without even knowing whom we are killing. We kill for fun, we kill for love, we kill for religion, we kill for sex. We even kill ourselves to kill others. I sometimes wonder whether we are turning ourselves in to terminators who cannot tolerate our same kind. So much blood, so much gore sickens me to the pit but we keep living our lives without missing our step. Were things similar when we started off in this world. I wonder ?

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