Traduzir   11 anos atrás

Born Of The Cliff - part 1 Kaelar remembered things. Not many of them, but some. He remembered the book on the table that he had so wanted to read, its dark cover, the word "over" scratched into it, crudely written in a curveless hand. He remembered reaching up, touching it, and then pulling away quickly, repulsed. He remembered racing towards the cliff edge, and then the adrenaline of the fall, and then nothing. Now he was stuck here in this empty forever, with nothing but his old memories, even those quickly fading. He could remember having a family, but what were their names? He struggled to recall, his search for details in his head taking an immeasurable time. Seconds, minutes, hours, days? It had no meaning anyway. He knew that, if he closed his eyes, a millennia could pass and he wouldn't notice. But he didn't want to be oblivious. Somehow, in the back of his head, a small voice told him that someone powerful was coming. Someone who would be able to tear apart a universe, break the mechanics of #life, destroy a world, and someone who would do so just to wrench him back through the #lifestream and back into the world of the living.

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