Translate   11 years ago

The curse of the twilight diamond It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining- is what most stories start off with. But this story is set in a stormy kingdom where the world's resource of diamond lie. In this particular kingdom the king and queen is unhappy because of the priceless diamond, the twilight diamond. Many kingdoms try to steal this valueable stone, but none succeded- which is why the royal couple are not what normal kings and queens would feel. Everyday, they are worried that the diamond gets in the hands of another kingdom. "Your majesty, the Emerald royal family are here. They want to look at your diamond collection." The servant exclaimed. "Don't let them in, Fargo, but wait I will come to the door."replied the king, who by the way was in his twenties so didn't know much about how the world went.

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