Personal Crisis I will never forget who I am. Not in any just sense. I am not at all certain of myself. Simply because I do not know. I am not a person in search of their soul. Honestly I feel as though I'll never really know myself. Times come when I find myself lost. And times when I find myself gone completely and then I know, I am never gone, because I was never really there to begin with. I feel overruled by so many little, unimportant things. But they are so prominent. It often seems at times it is those thing which define me and not myself. I am envious, yet struck with constant disbelief at the number of people who are so sure of themselves. Who can define themselves by who they are, not by the things that they become. The people who have one face, one mind, one personality, one #life, all to themselves... Because it often at times seems as though I am sharing my #life with multiple persons and I do not know which to trust. My eyes see different so often, my mind thinks different constantly, my own thoughts belong to me, but not to myself. There are so many of theses lives I have known, so many perspectives I have experienced, so many worlds I have seen. I am afraid I will never know which one is really mine. I do not know myself. I am not my own. I have a mind that belongs to many. But only belongs to me. I am alone, everyone of me feels the same emotions, but processes them differently. I am scared, yet I am unafraid. I do not know who I really am. I do not know myself

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