The iPad What the hell is that? Well it's this weird piece of kit... I could go on like that, but that's not entertaining to write and definitely not to read, a list of why it entertains me may be just as boring so ill have a crack at a mixture, because I don't like you. (Auto-corrects a bitch aye) this piece of gear, created by slave child labour, is one of the greatest things to happen to me, I have an Alienware laptop, holy hell it is heavy, it takes a while to boot up and it just isn't as easy as the sexy flip thing I do with my case for it to be ON. Possibly the first and last thing I use in the day, check the time, play music, see what arguments I've gotten into and all that good stuff. The fact that I dismissed it for years is somewhat saddening, I could have got sooooo much less done if I had my grasp on one of these sooner. The gentle tapping sound of my overgrown fingers tapping into your mind feels so great in my ear cavity and the auto correct throwing whatever the hell it fancies at me is always sure to cause me to start ANOTHER argument on Facebook (I carry them as trophies in my picture library, I kinda feel like the predator with all his skulls (not the pedophile type of predator, the alien one.)) So my love letter to a horrific corporation that should be shut down is here, it's the greatest portable computer that ever existed (in terms of ease of use, my laptops still better) now, some fun with auto-correct: Bitch = Bitching Butching = But hung Were = we're (Really dude?) Plasma = plays a
Sienna Williamson
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