Here We Go To those that this interests: and so it begins, a collection of thoughts forced onto a page for your hopeful entertainment. As I lay my morning docile eyes around my room I notice a lot of... stuff. Food, games stacked higher than the UK's debt report, nick nacks from holidays, cosmetic goods that lie but I use anyway. And yet I find most of it goes without scrutiny or observation. To hell with that! To be fair, my room, is a couple needles short of abandoned (that joke felt dirty) but I'm sure that there are some great pieces in here but I'm also sure there's some simple novel crap. I suppose it's time to start digging (not for Internet fame... Unless you have some to spare) but I will have to dig through hell stacks of items just for the satisfaction of strangers... Help me. Anyway, if you have so far enjoyed yourself, which I find hard to believe as this is an intro and that tends to be the boring part, then please give me a follow or check back here another time, it would be nice to feel appreciated is all, WOAH, I sounded like my mother and a couple of ex-girlfriends.
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The Canned Consumer
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Sammie ❤️
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Sienna Williamson
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The Canned Consumer
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