Translate   11 years ago

#life Of Omega Sigma #1 The arm chair I sat on, was saggy, old and raggedy. Across from me sat my dad, he was in a foul mood, sick of losing. Not losing games, but loosing people. Grumpily, he slammed the wooden balls across the playing board. "Are you going to be like this all day?" I sighed as I folded the newspaper. "Hmm... What? I am trying to figure this out." He answered, leaning back in his own armchair. "Solitaire? You have already mastered that ages ago, I am the only one in the universe who hasn't figured that out yet. Stop sulking." I moaned as I plumped the cushion behind me. "I have figured it out, I am trying to figure out all of the combinations leading to ultimately mastering the entire game." He paused for breath "Finally, a sentence too big. But yes, I am." "Come on, I have read the same newspaper several times, highlighted suspicious cases in a blue biro, which I found in that Chinese pot in the corner, and now I am counting on you for some entertainment." He looked up from his board, got up and placed the board back on the sideboard. His eyes went to the red leather couch, he strolled over and collapsed hopelessly onto it. It creaked under his weight. Once his eyes opened from a short moment of 'shut-eye', he gestured for me to come over and sit beside him. With great effort, I rose from my arm chair, strolled over and sat beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. "I really do love you, and so does your mum, it's not her fault she's never around, she is such a busy woman. And when it comes to entertainment, I am usually stumped on what to do." He explained putting his arms around me, giving me a hug. "I am usually very good at entertaining myself. But, that was a while ago. I appreciate you have things to do, also that you don't want me 'getting into trouble'. I like your company, despite the fact that half the time your in your own little world." "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I don't want to loose you, like I loose everyone else." Together, we just dozed off, snuggled up close together on the couch, the doctors tweed jacket was over my body, his arms still locked around me.

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