Translate   11 years ago

Called In A Nightmare "'Mother,Father!"A little girl screamed,terrified at the sight of two bloody bodies laying onthe cold wooden floor.Her blue eyes stared,her lips quivered.She was scared.She was terrified. She was in a nightmare. But it isn't a nightmare.She touched her cold pale skin,pinching it ever so lightly.She squeaked,the night terrified her 7-year-old mind.She thought her parents will be there for her if she ever had a nightmare.She wanted to shake tyem awake,thinking that they will only be acting.But it wasn't. She is in a nightmare,in reality. Sh screamed,many white objects floating around her surroundings.She blinked,thinking that her eyes were only fooling her.But it never disappeared.It just continued to swirl around,like a tornado. Her beautiful blonde hair now turned black. Her innocent blue eyes turned into horrifying white. Her once white nightgown was stained with blood,such a scary costume.But its not.Its real. "Darling,do not worry."A voice echoed.She clutched her head and screamed. "Protect the little one."A hiss rang on the white walls,no smudges with red dots. "Blood stains your beautiful face."Her eyes stare at the pale figure in front of her.Her face ever so beautiful,she was in awe. "In an ever loving song."Moans came from the ceiling,making her glance in every direction.She was confused,yet terrified. "A bloody truth shall reveal."Black smoke rolled over,spreading a corner.Turned into a flock of crows,she squealed. "And you shall be in my list."Her eyes widen.What kind of truth is this? "And you will be next."A chain wrapped around her tiny body.She felt it tighten,her breath almost taken away.Her lungs burned,her insides were squeezed.Blood sprayed around her. "You shall meet Death."Next to the wonderful lady was a man in a dark cloak.Her eyes wonder. "And Death shall be within you!"The man turned into smoke,and her agape mouth was occupied.Her screams were gargled,her jaw cracked.A murderous laugh was heard. "Now,little one.You shall be the Death."No more smoke was in sight.It was inside her.Her eyes blinked bloody red,and a dark smirk curled up her pink lips. "And you also shall be Nightmare."

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