übersetzen   12 Jahre

Boyfriend- Chapter 4 I fluttered my eyes open to the sudden brightness of the sun heaping threw a window. I glanced to my left, I'm in a hospital? I looked down, yep I'm in a hospital. I was wearing a hospital gown and was connected to an I.V. I glanced to my right to see Justin watching me check out the room that I'm in. He smiled. I gave him a small smile. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he walked over and sat in the chair beside my bed. He grabbed my hand that had this white block figure thing connected to my pointer finger. "Tired, w-what happened?" I asked as I let him hold my hand. He is really affectionate for some reason, I guess it was okay. "Well you collapsed, I carried you down the stairs and carefully placed you in my car and drove here as fast as possible." He simply said. I looked at my arm, oh no, you could see all my cuts and scars. Justin looked down also. "Don't worry, I don't mind." He smiled. I looked back up at him and gave him another small smile, I didn't really mean it, but I wanted to. Oh no, I hope I don't have feelings for him, like I said, he could never love a girl like me. He brang his face closer to mine "Now can I help you?" He whispered. He moved a strand of hair out of my face. I nodded. "But how?" I asked. "Maybe this for starters." He whispered as he jammed his lips on my. Holy fucking crap, is this a dream?! Is Justin Bieber actually kissing me?! I felt his warm soft lips, glide with mine. Yes, I was defiantly kissing him back. No wonder he moved that strand of hair out of my face. I can't believe this is happening. I heard footsteps, I'm pretty sure Justin heard them to because he pulled back and licked his lips... Dork haha. I smiled fully and looked at the door way. That's the first time I have had a real smile in years. He smiled back and also looked at the door way, still holding my hand. "Oh I'm sorry... Am I disturbing?" A lady with a long, white lab coat or whatever the hell it is, asked politely. I shook my head. Justin looked at me and nodded his head. I smiled and rolled my eyes. He let out a soft laugh. I don't think the lady noticed Justin nodding though. I'm pretty sure she's my doctor. "Okay, Well, hello there Ms. Lee, I am your doctor, Dr. Heart." She introduced herself as she walked closer. "Now let me get this straight, you collapsed from loss of sleep, hunger, you are dehydrated, and you have lost a lot of blood, you could of died, if this young man didn't bring you here, so thank you Mr. Bieber." She thanked him and read something from her clipboard. Dr. Heart looked up at me to see if I agreed. I nodded my head and looked at Justin again. He smiled, and I returned it with another. Yep, I definitely have feelings for him. "Is this your boyfriend?" She asked, with a 'maybe your answer explains you two kissing' look. "Uh-" I started, until Justin answered for me. "Yes." He smiled. Dr. Heart giggled "alright, you two, Darrah you are free to go in a few minutes, Justin you better take care of her." She winked as she walked out. And a nurse came in right after her. She walked over to me and disconnected all the tubes that were connected to me. Justin let go of my hand and walked over to the chair. He grabbed a pile of clothes and walked back over and handed them to me. I took them and placed it on my belly. "Justin, what about school?" I asked with a concerned look on my face. Mum would kill me if she thought I skipped school. "I already called them, they wanted to be updated on how you were doing and they said that we can have the rest of the day off." He explained. I nodded, "How are you feeling now?" He asked and he put his hands in his pockets. "Happy, and like I could do anything!" I exclaimed. But I do, I haven't felt like this in 4 years. "That's great, oh I have something for you." He said, Justin walked back over to his chair and grabbed a circular plastic container. He walked back over and handed it to me. "What is it?" I asked confused, but excited. "It's kinda like body makeup, to cover your cuts and scars, and it also heals them really fast." He told me. Perfect, that's great, I want to put some on right now. "Yes! That's great! Thank you so much!!" I said excitedly. "Your welcome love, I'll be outside, you get changed and I want to take you somewhere after." He walked out and closed the door. I slowly and cautiously got up off the hospital bed and took off the gown, I put on the cream that Justin gave me. When I was done I looked in the mirror. Holy shit, this stuff is fucking magic!! I couldn't see one cut, nor any scar I had made in the past. I want to change, I want to start fresh, to have friends, be gorgeous, not cut, be healthy, I want to change... Everything.

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