Nell Somewhere in the land of dreams Where the creatures of light dwell there lived a little fairy by the name of Nell. She sang songs spun of gold and her movement was more graceful than a bird. She could mend a broken soul with no more then a single word. However she was lonely,no one there to hold her hand. As she slept quietly in the moonlight two tear drops fell like diamonds and shattered on the sand. She'd never felt more hopeless,in the dark and in the cold feeling she was lonely,forever on her own. The next day as the sun rose,dear Nell felt happy again. Her voice took up a lively tune and she began to sway. It was time to fill the world with joy for yet another day. For years and years this cycle did not end. No one knew of the grief this small fairy felt over and over again. Then one night as she stared at the stars,the fairy of night swooped down and held the crying fairy in its arms. The fairy rocked Nell,telling her to hush. She said that everything would be okay,and that Nell shouldn't cry. For if she made through one more day there would be a great surprise. The next morning as she rose to fill the world with joy,the most beautiful sound was heard one of happiness and love. For who stood upon the hill,was none other than a pure white dove. Nell smiled,her heart filled with joy. Finally she had found someone who might join her in her song. The dove flew down to her and the two sang together all day long. That night as Nell fell asleep,a voice cooed in her ear. I love you my dear Nell and I will always be here. And in the darkness there was a glow of light. Nell began to transform,her wings turned to feathers of white. She woke the next day and reached out to yawn. Only to find that her arms were gone. In place of them there were two beautiful wings. Her body was covered with feathers that glowed a pure white. That morning,dear Nell flew off into the light. Her heart bursting with love and joy. She had found a companion,with who she would spread joy with for the rest of her #life.
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