Boyfriend Chapter 2 The bell rang again. I got up and carried my book with me out of the class room. I bumped into a few people on the way out, but I tried hard to avoid any others. When I finally made it out I rushed to my locker to get out of the crowd coming out of classes. I opened my locker door. It made a small screech when it turned. I put my books in, we had a 2hour brake until our next class. We could either go home, or wonder around the school, we just needed to be back for class. When I closed my locker, I saw Justin staring at me. I gasped at his presents. He was right on the side of me. "What do want?" I asked. "We need to talk." He grabbed my fore arm. "Owe, Justin, Owe, that hurts!" I exclaimed. He quickly let go of me. A tears formed in my eyes. I tried my best to hold them in. "I don't talk." I said as I turned around and went the opposite direction. "Wait, Darrah." He called after me. "What?" I turned back around, annoyed. "I need to talk to you." He insisted, he put his two hands in his front pockets. "About what? We have nothing to talk about." Now I was getting irritated. Why can't he just leave me alone. I didn't do anything to him. Except I was in the bathroom when he and Stacy were... "Just follow me." He moot opened with his head. I sighed in annoyance. And followed behind him. If I don't talk to him he won't leave me alone. He started walking outside to the parking lot. "What are we doing-" "Just follow me" he cut me off. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I was just about to run away. My arm was still sore of Justin's touch. He didn't grab me that hard but it hurt like hell. We approached a silver Range Rover, it was the car I saw this morning with Justin and Ryan in. "Get in." He demanded. I made a worried look on my face. "Don't worry, I will tell you where we are going on our way there." He assured me as he got in himself. I walked around the car and got in the passengers seat. I put my seatbelt on as so did Justin. He started the car and backed out of the stall. His car was so clean. I don't have a car, if I wanted to go so where I would use my moms. But I can't use it for school because she had to use it to drive to work, plus my school isn't that far away. He drove away from the school onto the main rode. "Now can you tell me where we are going?" I asked as I looked at him. "To my house." He answered as he looked at me than back to the rode. I looked out the window. "Uh, why?" I asked again confused. Why would we be going to his house?! That's so weird. "Because we need to talk, and I need to change." He answered as he left one hand on the wheel and ran his his other hand through his hair, than put it back in the wheel. I just glanced back out the window, the whole rest of the ride was science. Ugh, why does this have to happen to me, why can't people understand that want to be left alone?! He pulled up in front of a gate, he then pushed a bottom on the side of the stirring wheel and the gate slowly opened. Once it opened fully he drove in and parked in his driveway. He pressed that button again, I got out and watched the gate close. His house was really pretty, and huge. He got out also, I could feel his eyes watching me, like a laser shooting threw my back. I turned around and I was right, he was watching me. He motioned with his hand for me to follow him inside. I slowly walked behind of him into the house. He put his keys on his kitchen island and went upstairs, I followed. He went in a bed room. I was about to enter until I saw him taking his shirt off. He looked at me, "You can come in." He pointed to the bed, a sign for me to sit down. I hadn't spoken since the question I asked him in the car. I walked in and slowly sat down on his bed. I followed his every moves with my eyes. He threw the shirt he took off in his hamper the walked over to his dresser. Wow... He was a very well built man. A six pack of chiseled abs, and bold, strong arms. He opened his dresser draw and took out a red t-shirt. He put it over his head and pulled it down. He then walked over to his bed where I sat and sat beside me. "What did you NEED to talk to me about?" I looked at him raising an eyebrow as I looked into his eyes. Beautiful, Carmel, brown colored eyes. "I know you were the one in the bathroom and I know what you were doing..."

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