Translate   11 years ago

Guard Rail Hi, my name is Delaney. I am 15. I live with my mother. My father lives in another state. I love anime and have an awkward obsession with horror. Today my story really began. When I was seven I witnessed a man on a motorcycle fall off an overpass and die instantly. That image has never left my mind. I revolve around it. I live for horror. I make horror makeup of wounds and torn flesh.. I never knew that man. He was just another victim of fate. As I said before my #life began today. A matter of a few hours ago my step father died. He was riding his motorcycle far above the speed limit. There was a sharp turn. He didn't turn fast enough. His death was instantaneous. He hit the guard rail and snapped his neck. After being pronounced dead at exactly 12:45 on the scene. he was automatically transported to the morgue. There he lies. Still fresh, wounds still raw. So surreal. I am sitting in the hot stairwell, out of sight. The officer is speaking with my mother, just around the corner. It feels like a a tragic movie. I wait in the shadow, listening intently to the details of the gruesome departure of a beloved relative. I haven't a clue where my #life will go. My mum is poor. A mere teacher. She can't care for us alone. Wish me luck!

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