GRISLY MANOR PART 1 CHAPTER 1 Crystal and Ruby are best friends they were going on a School trip to a spooky Mansion on the east cost of Scotland . CHAPTER2 They arrived at the Mansion they noticed the name, it was called GRISLY MANOR they recognised it, it was a game they both had on their phones . Hey rubes the name of this Mansion is the game on our phones CHAPTER 3 They were now in GRISLY MANOR It was soon going to be lunch and play time in half an hour ,they are looking at very VERY old stuff 1234 is the year of this stuff WOW It was now lunch time crystal what do you have on your sandwiches I have raspberry jam what do you have I have peanut butter (want to swap?) Ok CHAPTER 4 Now it was home time and crystal and ruby got stuck in GRISLY MANOR . HELP! HELP! HELP! but nobody could hear them it was no use the bus Already gone what's this it's a map of (both) GM THE SECRET book2

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